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Writer's pictureWritten by Jeremy Ray

Power RAYnkings: Week 6


with the all star break over and a homerun derby champion crowned we can focus back on the last part of the season. breaking balls and sit on my base have control over their divisions at the moment but I wouldn't count out some teams making a push to capture the division. we have 2 more weeks of interdivision play with a couple of good match ups left. this week alone provides 3 really equal match ups that I'm eager to see.

SOMB VS Huntington Wifflers

Zach Sturgil has proven himself as a top competitor and looks to help his team take down a very good SOMB team. he had the opportunity to see Jeremy Ray pitch and knows what to expect when they square off on Tuesday. he will need help from all of his teammates to take down this team. as a team they are very patient in the box with 53 total walks and that's missing at least 4 games. but I wouldn't look to try to walk against this team with Ray and Scott Westcott who consistently hit the strike zone. but the bigger question is, is this the day that Patrick Rayl finally hits a home run? who knows? what has really made this team a whole is Kevin Chattin having a really good year. he's hitting a .486 with 6 HR which makes this line up really solid from top to bottom.

sweep for SOMB

Wifflin' Dixie VS PWT

in a battle of top play vs top play, Mikey Saxton vs Andy Hill. this should be a fun match up to watch where you will see people throwing behind heads for strikeouts or robbing homeruns to save the game. both teams are desperate for a win and need to turn their season around. will PWT actually have enough players? I hope. if this game does happen, Andy needs to watch out for Big Mike McCoy and his offensive production. but im going to throw in a sleeper who I think will be a difference in this game and that is Jerry Southhall to make some noise. I think he will have a good offensive production day. now on the other side I am just curious on who will show up that week and if PWT has EVERYONE show up then it will be a split. heres to hoping...

split for Wifflin' Dixie/PWT

Black Sheep Wiffle VS Breaking Balls

in one of the main match ups this week this should be good pitching versus great hitting. Black Sheep has amazing power throughout their line up which makes them a scary force, but their pitching hasn't matched their hitting. as soon as Steven Adkins shoulder heals up they should be unstoppable. they need to put up big numbers against this very good Breaking Balls team if they look to take them down. key for Breaking Balls is to shut down the hitting power of Black Sheep. if they keep them down to 4 runs or fewer I see them sweeping this series and im curious on how Matt Gordon, who shut down SOMB, will fair against this team. this could be a huge offensive production game for Breaking Balls.

Sweep for Breaking Balls

Asthmatics VS Chicken & Wiffles

this match up will test to see where these teams belong. you have the Asthmatics who are a very good pitching team with good hitting facing a Chicken and Wiffles team that has good pitching with very good hitting. Paul looked good during the All-star game but walks cost him. Josiah has a very smooth swing and very good pitching. in order for this team to win they need help from all team members. with everybody hitting above .300 they will need a real breakout performance from Jonathan Maxwell, Veronica Stanley, or Sumaiya Chaundry. Jonathan needs to cut down his strikeouts and Veronica has shown she can send the ball yard. Sumaiya needs to make sure to get on base in hopes for Paul or Josiah to knock the crap out of the ball. game plan for C&W is to wait. wait until paul starts showing he can hit the strike zone then start swinging. Chicken & Wiffles are one of the most dangerous teams because of their ability to get on a run. Jacob Fischer is getting better from 48ft but they will need more than his pitching to help win this double header. I'm calling on Ronnie Canterbury and Rick Patterson to step up in this series with both of them able to hit the ball well and not only that they are both very patient at the plate. the second game of pitching will be key for this team. Josh can pitch consistently and will need offensive help to secure the win.

split for Asthmatics/Chicken & Wiffles

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