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Writer's pictureWritten by Jeremy Ray

Power RAYnkings: Week 8


With only 3 weeks left in the regular season, competition is heating up as we go back to divisional play. Sit On My Base escaped with only one loss from the other division while Breaking Balls suffered their second loss of the season last week to Chicken and Wiffles. This week there is one major matchup between SOMB and Black Sheep.

Sit On My Base vs. Black Sheep

The first time these 2 teams met up 25 runs were scored, 22 of which came from SOMB. But this time its different. Kappra is gone and all they have is Ray as their main pitcher. It showed last week how much it hurt them by not having a 2nd starting pitcher. But Andrew Westcott stepped in and threw 3 good innings only giving up 3 runs and gave SOMB the opportunity to win the game. Their hitting is getting back to normal, and they look to capitalize just as they did the first time they faced Black Sheep. One thing that Black Sheep established all season is their ability to hit! Once they get on a roll its hard to stop them. Also their fielding is incredible and their gambles while running bases often pay off. Their worst hitting game was against SOMB though and that was early in the season. They look to avoid that this time around but for now I'm going with the safe bet and lean towards SOMB.

sweep for SOMB

Chicken & Wiffles vs. Plain White Tees

Fischer is back! His speed looks untouchable which is exactly what this team needed coming into the final stretch. Smith has proven to be a capable second pitcher in the rotation as his accuracy has dramatically improved. C&W pulled a huge upset win against Breaking Balls and look to ride that momentum going into the game against PWT. PWT has added some fire power, finally. The only thing they don't have is pitching which in this league is what you need to be a very successful team.

sweep for C&W

Breaking Balls vs. Huntington Wifflers

McClanahan's arm looks like it has finally healed up and he is throwing harder now than he has all season, grunting and trying to stir up fights. This match up is favorable for Pritt to become the lead person for homerun king. He will be making it rain wiffle balls the entire series, so we can say it's cloudy with a chance of wiffle ball! I wouldn't count out the wifflers though, adding Wes Larson really helps the hitting and they are coming off a sweep from PWT and Breaking Balls a loss so it could be just what this team needs to pull off another upset. Zack Sturgill hit off of McClanahan quite well their last series and could keep things close if he and the rest of his team come to the field and play smart.

sweep for Breaking Balls

Asthmatics vs. Wifflin' Dixie

The last time these two teams met up they split their series. Wifflin' Dixie pulled off the first upset of the year leaving the Asthmatics gasping for air. But Hesson and his team almost pulled off the upset with mistakes made from SOMB, proving Asthmatics can compete with the best in the league. They look to bounce back and finish this series off quickly as they muscle for playoff positioning. But I wouldn't count out 'ol Dixie just yet. They have surpassed the amount of wins that everyone was predicting them of having this year and as long as you have "Big Mike" McCoy on your team you always have a chance to win if you can get some good defense and effective pitching in the mix. The determining factor in this game, however, will be if Josiah Chapman attends. His bat and wicked ball movement on the mound will be needed if Asthmatics hope to easily sweep their opponent this week. But never forget the attempts of Veronica Stanley and Sumaiya Chaundhry. They have proven to be effective fielders and great placement hitters to keep those seemingly endless innings going.

split series

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