Wettest. Season. Ever.

The fourth season of the Huntington Wiffleball League has been, without a doubt, the wettest on record. It's been a very difficult season to plan out due to the constant rescheduling caused by poor weather. The organizing/rules committee are faced with the same dilemma almost on a weekly basis: are we going to play or is mother nature going to interfere with our plans again? There are a lot of feelings and here are some of them:

1. This is basically every Tuesday. It wouldn't be so crazy if it wasn't absolutely beautiful outside until about an hour before gametime. It's maddening!

2. Well...so much for keeping with the schedule.
We've never had this much trouble finishing a season before. According to original time fame we would have already been done with the season a couple weeks ago.

3. You see the weekly forecast 5 days out and they're calling for rain Tuesday.
How is it that they get forecasts wrong all the time and they're always right on this one day?

4. All you want to do is play! Is that so wrong?
Why does mother nature have it out for our season? What did we do? *sobs*

5. The meteorologists almost mock us as even they wonder why it's raining so much.
It isn't even el Nino season! Mosoons are for south Asia. Did we suddenly transport to the Amazon? What's with our weather? Tornado warnings, flash floods, it's insanity!

6. Extended forecast looks promising for dry conditions Tuesday...
Dear sweet lord, could it be? Let's see what the forecast will be closer to Tuesday.

7. Forecast changes as Tuesday draws nearer...
Wow! Rain again? Such a shocker.

8. How is this even possible?
Rain again? How does this happen every Tuesday for 7 weeks in a row? Did someone cast a spell?

9. The rain has even caused the London Wiffleball Tournament to be cancelled.
...And that hasn't happened in years!

10. Some of us are like screw it.
A little rain never hurt anybody.

11. Why is this happening!?
My cleats smell like death. The equipment is growing moss. Mounds are mud. People are either like let's play or we're all gonna die!

12. No matter what someone is going to be unhappy.
"My team isn't going to make it." Something that's becoming a mantra for some as the season has gone on WAY too long and work or other things are starting to interfere. It's at this point that no matter what we do (play or not) someone on a team or a team(s) as a whole are going to be disappointed. It's no one's fault really, just unfortunate.

13. Anyone could win in the playoffs.
I suppose this is true once you consider that records don't matter as long as you keep winning. The little guy could dethrone the favorite, even if it is very unlikely. And player/team availabilities are rigid. It's either Tuesdays or bust. We get pushed back or play today, someone isn't going to be able to make it. Everyone wants that championship trophy.

14. Rain ruins everything.
It takes me back to when I was a kid and I had little league games, BBQs, or other outdoor activities planned. The rain always pissed on our parade. For some kids, it's our first taste of not always getting what you want. But that doesn't make it any easier to not get mad about it even into adulthood. It could absolutely pour on Wednesday and who would care? Nobody, that's who.

15. When and how will this season end? I don't know but don't mind me, I'll be slipping in and out of madness and having some alcohol to make me forget it rains so much. Everyone seems to care about the season ending too...so long as it suits them or that it hasn't rained in ages or that no one else can make it except their team or none of these reasons. The season will end one way or another regardless of if we play it out or not. I don't think anyone wants a cliffhanger mid-season finale for ending our run this year so if we don't end this that is what we could face whether or not anyone wants to admit it. Every week someone isn't going to make it. This will get worse in August. But the question really isn't when the season will end, it's how? What will it take for us to play it out if we have the chance. It may seem crazy to say but it really could rain next Tuesday, and the week after that, and the week after that...

16. Will we have a 10 week season next year? Probably not. To ensure this never happens again we're going to have to shorten up the season and maybe not have an all-star game to ensure we have every opportunity to finish the season on time next year and beyond.

17. So what now?
As of now, we do plan on playing tonight. But what happens if we don't play tonight or next week if anyone's guess. I'm right there with you in the confusion. We didn't have a plan for if the season went 4-6 weeks over but tough decisions could be ahead and we aren't going to be unanimous on any of them I'm sure. But rest assured that I and the committee have done everything possible to be responsible in deciding when and when not we play and I stand by every decision we made throughout the year on that. But we all would be best suited for getting ready for whatever happens next. Because like I said, not everyone is going to be happy. We delay one week and other teams may not be able to play the next. We have to crown a champion, the trophy is made, and unlike little league - we don't all get trophies.